Jenny Graves

Guide to the Best Anti-Cancer Foods

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0645293245
EAN 9780645293241
Veröffentlicht März 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Jenny Graves
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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What should you eat to fight cancer?
Are you trying to prevent cancer?
Going through treatment?
Trying to stay in remission?
Wondering what you can do for yourself that will help you?
Many cancer patients think that the only solution is to rely on the medical profession. But helpful lifestyle changes can help put you back in control and empower you. These can help to improve your quality of life, and inspire you to find ways to return to full health and stay there. Research shows that empowering people helps them with the healing process.
Doctors tend to assume that their patients already know the best foods to eat. Many of them haven't had much training in nutrition, so they don't know how to advise them anyway.
It's a pity because good nutrition could help prevent cancer forming and recurring, and make your journey through the rigours of treatment easier, all resulting in better outcomes for you. According to researchers at the University of Texas, 30-35% of cancer deaths are connected with diet. So come with me on a quick trip around the best foods to eat.
You may know a few of these already, but there will be some surprises here. And everything is backed with the research.
Jenny Graves is a leukaemia survivor who qualified as a naturopath after her recovery from treatment. She's the author of Naturally Supporting Cancer Treatment: Evidence-based ways to help prevent cancer formation and recurrence, and assist treatment.


Jenny Graves is a naturopath and author of Naturally Supporting Cancer Treatment: Evidence-based ways to help prevent cancer formation and recurrence, and assist treatment. After recovering from treatment for blood cancer, Jenny qualified as a naturopath in order to empower other cancer patients with the knowledge to get and stay well using evidence-based natural treatments. Jenny holds an Advanced Diploma for Naturopathy, has completed 5 courses in Integrative Oncology, and is a member of the Complementary Medicine Association in Australia.
Jenny and her husband enjoy exploring the beautiful city of Canberra on foot, combining exercise and pleasure.

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