Jesse Ball


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1783783761
EAN 9781783783762
Veröffentlicht März 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Granta Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'CENSUS is a vital testament to selfless love; a psalm to commonplace miracles; and a mysterious evolving metaphor. So kind, it aches.' David Mitchell, author of Cloud AtlasA father and son who are census takers journey across a nameless country from the town of A to the town of Z in the wake of the father's fatal diagnosis. Knowing that his time is menacingly short, the father takes his son, who requires close and constant adult guidance, on this trip of indefinite length. Their feelings for each other are challenged and bolstered as they move in and out of a variety of homes, meeting a variety of different people. Census is about the ways in which people react to the son's condition, to the son as a person in the world. It is about discrimination and acceptance, kindness and art, education and love. It is a profoundly moving novel, glowing with wisdom and grace, roaring with a desire to change the world.


Jesse Ball is the award-winning author of over ten books of prose, poetry, drawings and essays. He lives in Chicago.

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