Jill Mansell

The One You Really Want

the perfect heart-warming read from the bestselling author. None. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0755351983
EAN 9780755351985
Veröffentlicht Februar 2008
Verlag/Hersteller Review
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
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The one you really want could be closer than you think... THE ONE YOU REALLY WANT is a sweet, funny, romantic novel from bestselling author Jill Mansell. Not to be missed by readers of Marian Keyes and Cathy Kelly.
It all starts with a shiny, red, sit-on lawn-mower. When Nancy spies her Christmas present from her husband sitting on the lawn, she realises the jewellery she thought was for her must be on someone else. Her best friend Carmen isn't surprised (she never liked Jonathan) and persuades Nancy to leave Edinburgh and come and stay in her luxury London flat - far too vast for Carmen since her husband, millionaire rock star Spike Todd, died. Soon Nancy's met gorgeous Connor O'Shea, who lives next door, and his daughter Mia is matchmaking - not least because she'd like to see the back of Connor's current pushy girlfriend. Meanwhile Carmen, who's always been certain she doesn't want another man in her life, feels a spark when a handsome charity worker called Joe calls round. But Joe's not quite all he seems...
What readers are saying about The One You Really Want:
'Clever and delightful tale - I was totally enchanted throughout. The writing was humorous, involving, heart squeezing, emotive, and full of witty banter' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars
'A gentle meander through the spark of romantic chemistry' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars
'Jill Mansell is the master of taking a simple story and enriching it with an intricate cast of characters. She's witty and the dialogue is crisp and believable, things move along with the right mix of humour and thoughtfulness' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars


Jill Mansell

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