Jo Raven

Ocean (Damage Control, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533794049
EAN 9781533794048
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Jo Raven
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Meet OCEAN, the newest of the Damage Control Boys, set in the world of the bestselling series Inked Brotherhood. * This is New Adult Contemporary Romance.
I thought I was a normal kid once. Do normal kids have to beg from door to door for food? Not sure. It wasn't always that bad, I guess-and then it was. Really fucking bad.
I tried to protect my younger brother from the fallout. Lied to him about how bad things were.
But it wasn't enough. And when the accident happened, he blamed me, like everyone else.
I'm guilty of many things. He's right about that, at least. So damn guilty I'm sure everyone knows and will call me out on it.
Except they don't. Nobody does, except my brother.
Not even Kayla, sexy and sweet and coolest girl ever, who keeps buying me coffee and trying to read my future. But my future isn't in the goddamn cards, or even in my hands. I don't see a future. I deny fate, but fate has me pinned like a moth and won't let me walk away.
Won't let me escape.
And yeah… you know you're losing grip when the girl you want reads your palm, and you're scared to hell of what she'll see and of the pain you can tell is coming.
WARNING** 18+ for sexual content, language, and violence.
OCEAN is book 5 in the series Damage Control - a series set in the same world as Inked Brotherhood. The boys of Damage Control were taken in by Zane Madden and Rafe Vestri and offered apprenticeship and work in the tattoo shop Damage Control.

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