Joan Medlicott

A Covington Christmas

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1416516239
EAN 9781416516231
Veröffentlicht November 2005
Verlag/Hersteller Pocket Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In this wondrous new holiday book in Joan Medlicott's USA Today bestselling series, the Christmas season brings a host of surprises -- not all of them welcome -- to the lovely ladies of Covington and their small North Carolina mountain town.
The new pastor at the Cove Road Church in Covington discovers that a former pastor from forty years ago was never ordained as a minister, and was therefore not qualified to marry anyone -- which means that five longstanding marriages are invalid! With their marriages thrown into crisis, it's decided that the couples absolutely must remarry on Christmas Eve. But with the church desperately in need of repairs and lacking the funds to fix the rotting floorboards and the outdated heating system, how can they ever get it ready in time?
Sounds like a job for the ladies of Covington! Grace, Hannah, and Amelia step in to organize the weddings, while their friends and neighbors volunteer paint, lumber, and good old-fashioned elbow grease to fix up the church. But when last-minute obstacles threaten to stop the weddings, they're going to need a miracle to turn Christmas Eve into a wedding day that no one will ever forget.
Brimming with warmth, charm, and the spirit of the holidays, A Covington Christmas is a delightful gift for new fans and returning fans alike!


Joan Medlicott

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