John C. Corbally, Casey J. Sullivan

The Early Modern World, 1450-1750

Seeds of Modernity. 1. Auflage. 65 bw illus. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1474277756
EAN 9781474277754
Veröffentlicht Januar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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The Early Modern World, 1450-1750: Seeds of Modernity takes a distinctive approach to global history and enables a holistic view of the world during this period,without prioritizing any one nation or region. It guides students towards an understanding of how different empires, nations, communities and individuals constructed, contested and were touched by major trends and events. Its thematic structure covers politics, technology, economics, the environment and intellectual and religious worldviews.
In order to connect global trends and events to human experiences, each chapter is underpinned by a social and cultural history focus, enabling the reader to gain an understanding of the lived human experience and make sense of various perspectives and worldviews. The 'Legacy' feature also discusses connections between early modern history and the contemporary world, looking at how the past is contested or memorialized today. The result is a textbook that helps the 21st-century student gain a rich and nuanced understanding of the global history of the early modern period.


John Corbally is Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, USA, where he teaches World History, Critical Thinking and European History. He taught history and humanities courses at Stanford for five years, and British, Irish, European, and World History at UC Berkeley, UC Davis and Mills College amongst others.

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