John Eckhardt

Fasting for Breakthrough and Deliverance

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1629987018
EAN 9781629987019
Veröffentlicht Januar 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Charisma House
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Matthew 17:21 tells us that there are some spirits in a person, region, or nation that cannot be overcome without fasting. Many believers struggle with certain limitations that they cannot seem to break through. A revelation of the power of fasting will result in victories that would not be ordinarily obtained. A life of consistent fasting will cause many victories to manifest. God's will is for every believer to live a life of victory with nothing being impossible. There is freedom from the torment of the enemy! Best-selling author and trusted teacher on deliverance, John Eckhardt reveals strongholds that can be broken including poverty, sickness, witchcraft, sexual impurity, pride, fear, confusion, and marital problems. Fasting will help readers to overcome these manifestations of oppression and break free from their limitations.


Apostle John Eckhardt is overseer of Crusaders Ministries, located in Chicago, Illinois. Gifted with a strong apostolic call, he has ministered throughout the United States and overseas in more than eighty nations. He is a sought-after international conference speaker and has authored more than twenty books, including Prayers That Rout Demons, Prayers That Break Curses, and God Still Speaks. Eckhardt resides in the Chicago area with his wife, Wanda.

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