John Perrier

Back Pain: How to Get Rid of It Forever (Volume One: The Causes)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0987569414
EAN 9780987569417
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller John Perrier
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The title says it all: this book will help you permanently banish your back pain. In two volumes, it shows you how to feel better.
Volume 1: The Causes, makes it easy for you to understand your back pain. Using simple, clear language it explains the structure of your spine, and demystifies many common pain-provoking conditions.
Volume 2: The Cures, offers a unique quiz that will help you to classify your injury into one of four types. In this way you will learn how to cure your pain, not someone else's. Then the advice flows thick and fast. You will learn clever techniques that will help you to use your spine more efficiently, and discover how to think, eat, relax, and sleep away your pain. You'll also find useful information on exercises, x-rays, medication and muscles, plus some tips on how to choose a spinal health practitioner. Of course, all of the advice will be tailored to your specific problem.
Because the cure uses well-proven techniques, your relief won't just last a few days or weeks. You will feel better forever.


John Perrier was born in Brisbane, Australia in 1967. Perrier has published five books across a variety of genres and subjects.
His first book, published in 1999, was a self-help tome entitled 'Back Pain: How to get Rid of It Forever'. This book was an instant success in Australia, selling out its original print run. This book spawned an offshoot publication entitled 'Using Your Brain to Get Rid of Your Pain', which is a simple, commonsense guide on how to manage stress, reduce pain and think more healthily.
Perrier has also penned three novels. The first, in the historical fiction genre, is 'Captain Rum - A Wondrous Adventure''. It chronicles the fantastic tale of Fintan McAdam, who set sail solo from London in 1821.
The second novel is science fiction comedy for the young (and young at heart): 'A Few Quiet Beers with God'. Set in 2034, it follows the comedic mishaps of a young Australian named Dave who becomes entangled in a global power struggle.
Perrier's third novel is a humorous travel biopic entitled 'Campervan Kama Sutra', a hilarious account of his family holiday across outback Australia with three kids. If you have half as much fun reading this as he had writing it then you are in for a treat!
When he is not writing, Perrier likes to play basketball, cheer on his beloved Carlton Blues AFL side, potter in his herb garden, bush walk, play with his kids and listen to blues music. Occasionally he does two or three of these simultaneously.

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