Jonathan Stroud

The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 10 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 432 Seiten
ISBN 0593430387
EAN 9780593430385
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Knopf Books for Young Readers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Action! Humor! Fantasy! "Kicking off a new series with a bang (several bangs, in fact), Stroud sends two young fugitives with murky pasts fleeing murderous pursuers across a fractured future Britain." -Kirkus Reviews, starred
Soon to be a motion picture starring Phoebe Dynevor of Bridgerton!
Scarlett McCain is a shoot-first ask-questions-later kind of outlaw. She scrapes by on bank heists, her wits-and never looking back.
She's on the run from her latest crime when she comes across Albert Browne. He is the sole survivor of a horrific accident, and against her better judgement, Scarlett agrees to guide him to safety.
This is a mistake. Soon there are men with dogs and guns and explosives hot on their heels. Scarlett's used to being chased by the law, but this is extreme. It was only a little bank she'd robbed . . .
As they flee together across the wilds, fighting off monstrous beasts, and dodging their pursuers, Scarlett comes to realize that Albert Browne is hiding a terrible secret. And that he may be the most dangerous threat of all.
In this fast-paced, quick-witted whirlwind of a story, Jonathan Stroud introduces two unlikely allies-the outlaws Scarlett and Browne-who are about to become the most notorious renegades in all that's left of Britain.


Jonathan Stroud is the author of the New York Times bestselling Bartimaeus trilogy, the Lockwood & Co. series, and the stand-alone titles Heroes of the Valley, The Leap, The Last Siege, and Buried Fire. He lives in England with his wife, Gina, and their three children. To learn more, visit

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