Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Netwalker Uprising (Netwalk Sequence, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201620431
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Joyce Reynolds-Ward
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Sometimes happy endings don't stay that way.
Over a year after Melanie Fielding helped her mother Diana Landreth overthrow a repressive North American government headed by her grandmother Sarah Stephens, she faces even more problems.
The new Netwalk technology that allows Sarah's personality to exist after death is developing in unpredictable ways. Rogue Netwalkers emerge, allied with Diana and Melanie's long-term foe, the Freedom Army.
Worse, Melanie is forced into an alliance with her estranged brother Andrew Stephens, at the demand of the international Corporate Courts. The Courts control a mysterious entity, the Gizmo, which is somehow connected to Netwalk. As they learn more about the Courts and the Gizmo, Melanie and Andrew realize that Diana may not be trustworthy.
That the Gizmo and the Courts have a dangerous agenda that isn't what it seems-and Sarah may be their best tool to stop the Gizmo from fulfilling its goals.


Joyce Reynolds-Ward splits her time between Portland and Enterprise, Oregon. A former special education teacher, Joyce also enjoys horses, skiing, and other outdoor activities. She's had short stories and essays published in First Contact Café, Tales from an Alien Campfire, River, How Beer Saved the World 1 and 2, Fantasy Scroll Magazine, and Trust and Treachery. Her novels Netwalk: Expanded Edition, Netwalker Uprising, Life in the Shadows: Diana and Will, Netwalk's Children, and Alien Savvy as well as other works are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, and other sources. Alien Savvy is also available in audiobook through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Follow Joyce's adventures through her blog, Peak Amygdala, at, or through her LiveJournal at joycemocha. Joyce's Amazon Central page is located at

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