Hungarian Women's Activism in the Wake of the First World War - Judith Szapor

Judith Szapor

Hungarian Women's Activism in the Wake of the First World War

From Rights to Revanche. 1. Auflage. 12 b/w illustrations. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 6.
pdf eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1350020508
EAN 9781350020504
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic
38,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Using a wide range of previously unpublished archival, written, and visual sources, Hungarian Women's Activism in the Wake of the First World War offers the first gendered history of the aftermath of the First World War in Hungary.
The book examines women's activism during the post-war revolutions and counter-revolution. It describes the dynamic of the period's competing, liberal, Christian-conservative, socialist, radical socialist, and right-wing nationalistic women's movements and pays special attention to women activists of the Right. In this original study, Judith Szapor goes on to convincingly argue that illiberal ideas on family and gender roles, tied to the nation's regeneration and tightly woven into the fabric of the interwar period's right-wing, extreme nationalistic ideology, greatly contributed to the success of Miklós Horthy's regime. Furthermore the book looks at the long shadow that anti-liberal, nationalist notions of gender and family cast on Hungarian society and provides an explanation for their persistent appeal in the post-Communist era.
This is an important text for anyone interested in women's history, gender history and Hungary in the 20th century.


Judith Szapor is Assistant Professor of History at McGill University, Canada. She is the author of The Hungarian Pocahontas; The Life and Times of Laura Polanyi Stricker, 1882-1959 (2005) and co-editor, along with Andrea Peto, Maura Hametz and Marina Calloni, of Jewish Intellectual Women in Central Europe, 1860-2000 (2012).


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