Julia Watts


A Novel. Empfohlen ab 16 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1941110673
EAN 9781941110676
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Three Rooms Press

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Set in rural Tennessee, QUIVER, a YA novel by Julia Watts, focuses on the unlikely friendship between two teens from opposite sides of the culture wars.  Libby is the oldest child of six, going on seven, in a family that adheres to the "quiverfull" lifestyle: strict evangelical Christians who believe that they should have as many children as God allows because children are like arrows in the quiver of "God's righteous warriors." Meanwhile, her new neighbor, Zo is a gender fluid teen whose feminist, socialist, vegetarian family recently relocated from the city in search of a less stressful life. Zo and hir family are as far to the left ideologically as Libby's family is to the right, and yet Libby and Zo, who are the same age, feel a connection that leads them to friendship-a friendship that seems doomed from the start because of their families' differences. 
Through deft storytelling, built upon extraordinary character development, author Watts offers a close examination of the contemporary compartmentalization of social interactions. The tensions that spring from their families' cultural differences reflect the pointed conflicts found in today's society, and illuminate a path for broader consideration. 


Julia Watts is the author of fourteen novels and several short story collections in the genres of young adult fiction and lesbian fiction/erotica. Her books are set in her native Appalachia and often depict the lives of LGBTQ people in the Bible Belt. Her novel Finding H.F. (Alyson Press, 2001) won the 2001 Lambda Literary Award in the children/young adult category. Her novel, Quiver, set in rural Tennessee, received a rare "Perfect 10 Rating" from VOYA Magazine, and, along with several of her other novels, was selected for the American Library Association's Rainbow List. Her novel Finding H.F. (Alyson Press, 2001) won the Lambda Literary Award in the Children's/Young Adult category, and her historical YA novel Secret City (Bella Books, 2013) was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award and a winner of a Golden Crown Literary Award. In 2020 Watts was given the Tennessee Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Award. She lives in Knoxville and is working on a PhD in Children's and Young Adult Literature at The University of Tennessee.

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