Kam Thye Chow, Emily Moody

Thai Yoga Therapy for Your Body Type

An Ayurvedic Tradition. 152 b&w illustrations. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1594776490
EAN 9781594776496
Veröffentlicht Juni 2006
Verlag/Hersteller Simon + Schuster LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A form of Thai Yoga Massage that focuses on the three Ayurvedic body types
• Explains how to determine a person's Ayurvedic body type and provides hands-on techniques for working with them
• Brings the practices presented in Thai Yoga Massage to a new customized level of therapeutic healing
The traditional healing arts of Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Massage have a deep and integrated relationship that provides an unparalleled modality for restoring body, mind, and spirit. Although it originated in India, over the centuries Ayurveda has been assimilated into the predominant Thai culture and has evolved into a distinctive folk medicine. With the growing popularity of Ayurveda and Thai Yoga Massage, there is a renewed interest in reuniting these practices into a powerful therapeutic alliance.
Thai Yoga Therapy for Your Body Type bridges the practice of Thai Yoga Massage with its ancient Ayurvedic roots to offer a complete and holistic healing modality. The authors first explain in detail the fundamental principles of Ayurveda and then recommend daily practices for each of the three main body types of vata, pitta, and kapha. Practitioners learn how to customize their work with the appropriate massage approach, recommended yoga asanas, breathing techniques, and diet and lifestyle tips. More than 50 illustrated, full-body Thai Yoga Massage postures are presented as well as a massage flow for each body type. The authors indicate the Ayurvedic benefits of each posture and detail any precautions that should be followed in this dynamic practice of transformative healing.


One of the first Thai yoga massage practitioners in North America, Kam Thye Chow has taught Thai massage in Thailand and throughout Europe, Canada, and the United States. The author of Thai Yoga Massage and Thai Yoga Therapy for Your Body Type, he is the founder and director of the Lotus Palm School in Montreal. Kam Thye Chow lives in Montreal.

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