Karen Guyler

Sleighing Santa

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223893325
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Unexpected Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Someone is about to be very naughty . . .
True crime author and journalist Vanessa Winter isn't dreaming of a White Christmas. All she can see is blood spatter and crimes happening around her as the days to December 25th count down. To save her from herself, her best friend Flora drags her to the Santa Society Christmas party. But that's okay. Nothing can go wrong in a room full of ho-ho-ho and good cheer, because the Santas and Mrs Clauses must surely all be on the nice list?
But someone is about to be very naughty because someone has murder on their mind.
Put your feet up and enjoy this Christmas crime short story, the perfect length to enjoy with a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine. Just watch out for those naughty Santas. . .


Always being the new girl (at nine schools on two continents) was no fun at all so books became the only constant in my life, even if they didn't help me get out of sports days. Now settled in Milton Keynes, England, I juggle reading with writing, my three children, husband and dog, a much nicer mix! I also teach creative writing for Adult Education with lots of laughing in amongst the word wrangling and discovery. You can find me at www.karenguyler.com, where you'll discover free stories, bonus epilogues and be the first to hear about thrilling upcoming releases. If you'd like to chat, you can find me @originalkaren, on facebook at Karen Guyler Author

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