Karly Violet

Hotwife Spying - A Hot Wife Multiple Partner Wife Sharing Romance Novel

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224115044
Veröffentlicht 1. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Karly Violet
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Anonymous source tips off unsuspecting husband to his cheating wife's secret affairs!
Coming from a poor background, Paul Mayfield had followed in his tireless father's footsteps and worked hard all his life.
His relentless hard work had paid off as he was now a respected partner in a prominent law firm.
However, the success came with sacrifices. His career demanded long hours, inevitably distancing him from his beautiful wife Leanna.
Paul overlooked the discontent brewing in his marriage.
An unexpected anonymous tip-off hinted to him that his faithful wife was cheating on him!
Shocked and in disbelief, Paul hires a private detective hoping the allegations are false.
But what he finally uncovers was more than he could ever imagine as his…..
Emotions Are Torn Between Jealousy And Pleasure As His Cheating Wife Is Caught Red Handed!
This 20,000 steamy hot romance novel explores the journey of a husband in disbelief as he uncovers the truth about his cheating wife and her adultery.


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