Katherine Hall Page

The Body in the Wardrobe

A Faith Fairchild Mystery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0062439553
EAN 9780062439550
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller William Morrow
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Minister's wife, caterer, and part-time sleuth Faith Fairchild pairs up with Sophie Maxwell—last seen in The Body in the Birches and now a newlywed living in historic Savannah, Georgia, where she crosses paths with murder—in this delightful new entry in the beloved mystery series, complete with delectable recipes
Attorney Sophie Maxwell Maxwell has come to Savannah to be with her new husband, Will. But nothing throws cold water on a hot relationship faster than a dead body. Worse for Sophie, no one believes the body she knows she saw is real. Will is spending an awful lot of time in Atlanta on a case he claims is urgent, and she's been tasked with house hunting for them with his former sweetheart, who Sophie can't help but suspect wishes Sophie would return to her Yankee roots!
Fortunately, Sophie has a good friend in Faith Fairchild. And with teenage Amy being bullied by Mean Girls and husband Tom contemplating a major life change that will affect all the Fairchilds, Faith is eager for distraction in the form of some sleuthing. In between discussing newlywed agita, discovering surprising Savannah customs, and, of course, eating fabulous Lowcountry food, Faith and Sophie will pair up to unmask a killer!
Praise for Katherine Hall Page
“Katherine Hall Page is my favorite writer of the traditional mystery.”—HARLAN COBEN
“Fans of this long-running series will enjoy the glimpse into Faith's rich life, reported with flowing narration, as well as . . . recipes.”—Booklist
“Enticing recipes at the back of the book and cooking tips sprinkled throughout. . . . The crime is solved satisfactorily . . . [but] let's be honest: most of us came for the food.”—New York Times Book Review
“A charming tale filled with lively characters and mouthwatering descriptions of local food.”—Kirkus Reviews


Katherine Hall Page is the author of twenty-five previous Faith Fairchild mysteries, the first of which received the Agatha Award for best first mystery. The Body in the Snowdrift was honored with the Agatha Award for best novel of 2006. Page also won an Agatha for her short story “The Would-Be Widower.” The recipient of the Malice Domestic Award for Lifetime Achievement, she has been nominated for the Edgar, the Mary Higgins Clark, the Maine Literary, and the Macavity awards. She lives in Massachusetts and Maine with her husband.

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