Kathleen Troy

Never Believe a Con Artist Twice

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 13 bis 18 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 260 Seiten
ISBN 1959215183
EAN 9781959215189
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Dylan and Friends Publishing Company

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After cracking a murder case, thirteen-year-old Sage's life spins into peril. The accused dies mysteriously, a thief targets his family's fortune, and a stranger claiming to be his long-lost mother emerges. Sage must unravel these dangerous threads before they unravel him Sage is a quiet, overlooked boy who suddenly finds himself inheriting his late uncle's estate, including a farm, funds, and a local newspaper business. Unable to understand why his kindly grandparents care for him, Sage is thrust into a world where he must fight to keep what is rightfully his. As Sage navigates the complexities of inheriting his uncle's fortune, he faces a legal battle against a greasy lawyer intent on contesting the Will. Meanwhile, mysterious events unfold in their small town, hinting at a deeper conspiracy. Soon, he discovers that someone has been siphoning his uncle's fortune and is now trying to cover their tracks. The thief will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep their secret and the stolen money. With danger closing in, Sage must use his investigative skills and his friends from The Evansville News to uncover the truth before the thief realizes he's on to them. Experience the thrill of unraveling secrets and the heartwarming journey of a boy finding his place in a world filled with love and betrayal in Never Believe a Con Artist Twice.


Kathleen Troy, JD; PhD, is a published author, children's book publisher, movie producer, writing and law professor at Cypress College, and former Director of Education and Development for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Kathleen is an active member of Sisters in Crime and Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and has won several awards for middle-grade and young adult books. Dog training is Kathleen's passion, and she has achieved recognition, most notably for training service dogs for hospice work. Kathleen welcomes hearing from you. Please email her at www.kathleentroy.com.

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