Kees Versteegh

Landmarks in Linguistic Thought Volume III

The Arabic Linguistic Tradition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 216 Seiten
ISBN 1134727828
EAN 9781134727827
Veröffentlicht Februar 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
64,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Landmarks in Linguistic Thought Vol 3 is devoted to a linguistic tradition that lies outside the Western mainstream, namely that of the Middle East.The reader is introduced to the major issues and themes that have determined the development of the Arabic linguistic tradition. Each chapter contains a short extract from a translated `landmark' text followed by a commentary which places the text in its social and intellectual context. The chosen texts frequently offer scope for comparison with the Western tradition. By contrasting the two systems, the Western and the Middle Eastern, this book serves to highlight the characteristics of two very different systems and thus stimulate new ideas about the history of linguistics.This book presumes no prior knowledge of Arabo-Islamic culture and Arabic language, and is invaluable to anyone with an interest in the History of Linguistics. Kees Versteegh is currently Professor of Arabic and Islam at the Middle East Institute of the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His publications include The Explanation of Linguistic Causes (1995),Ed. Arabic Outside the Arab World (1994)


Kees Versteegh is currently Professor of Arabic and Islam at the Middle East Institute of the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. His publications include Zajjaji's Explanation of Linguistic Causes (1995), (ed.) Arabic Outside the Arab World (1994).

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