Kenneth Caraballo

The Hermit Boy

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224293728
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Kenneth Caraballo
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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"The Hermit Boy" follows Owen, a curious boy in a quaint village who discovers an ancient map leading to a hidden realm of magic. As Owen embarks on a daring adventure, he faces mythical challenges, forms unlikely alliances, and unravels the secrets of the enchanted land. Throughout 25 captivating chapters, Owen's journey takes him through mystical landscapes, tests his character, and ultimately reveals his true purpose. The narrative explores themes of courage, friendship, and self-discovery, weaving a tale of wonder and transformation in a world where the ordinary meets the extraordinary.


Kenneth Caraballo is a prolific author with an extensive literary portfolio that spans over 50 ebooks and paperbacks. His dedication to the written word has led him to explore diverse genres, making him a versatile writer whose works cater to a broad range of interests.
Kenneth's literary journey encompasses the creation of numerous Christian books, self-help guides, and insightful business publications. He is known for his ability to inspire and empower readers through his words, offering spiritual guidance, personal development insights, and valuable business acumen.
Currently, Kenneth Caraballo is venturing into the world of fiction, where his creativity and storytelling prowess promise to captivate and engage audiences in new and exciting ways. His dedication to both non-fiction and fiction genres reflects his commitment to providing readers with a rich and varied literary experience.
As an author, Kenneth's mission is to uplift, motivate, and make a meaningful impact on the lives of his readers. With an ever-expanding collection of ebooks and paperbacks, he continues to inspire, inform, and entertain a diverse and enthusiastic audience.

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