Khaholi Bailey

The Miseducation of a 90s Baby

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 148 Seiten
ISBN 1960988468
EAN 9781960988461
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller CLASH Books

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With the humor of millennial Samantha Irby, Khaholi Bailey's debut essay collection about the 90s and beyond will invoke the not-so-nostalgic nostalgia.
90s kids were raised on sparse and slow internet, cable TV and adults who said the darndest things. Some learned that weed was the gateway to insanity, that people of the cloth would never disrobe you, or to hope for inconspicuous, tiny tits.
Khaholi Bailey was taught as much and more, only to discover that the dank green does God's work, and a well-timed catcall could make her day. Through her family, as much as from MTV and New York City, Khaholi discovers that right from wrong is a matter of time, place and whoever's asking.
In frank and comedic essays, Khaholi shares the vulnerability (and sometimes grace) that comes from aging in a rapidly changing world. The Miseducation of a 90s Baby will give you all the lols and feels, and she might even teach you something along the way.


Khaholi Bailey's essays and fiction have appeared in Catapult, Breadcrumbs, Midnight and Indigo and Flapperhouse. Miseducation of a '90s Baby is her first book. She lives in New York City.

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