Kiddy Story Den

Character Education and Social Skills Through Story Telling (Kiddies Skills Training, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224981151
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Kiddy Story Den
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Dive into an Undersea Adventure of Friendship!
Sammy the starfish has a brilliant idea! He wants to throw a grand underwater festival to celebrate friendship and learn more about his fellow sea creatures. With Lulu, the attentive seahorse, and Oscar, the open-minded octopus, by his side, Sammy sets out to create a day filled with games, music, and unforgettable stories.
But how will they pull off such a grand celebration?
Join Sammy, Lulu, and Oscar as they discover the power of teamwork! Sammy uses his friendly nature to gather everyone's talents, Lulu's keen listening ensures everyone feels included, and Oscar embraces the diversity of ideas. Watch in awe as Cooperation Cove transforms – vibrant decorations shimmer and joyous music fills the water as anticipation for the festival reaches its peak!
The grand festival arrives! Witness the magic unfold as friends connect, share stories, and discover surprising common interests. With each laugh and interaction, the bonds of friendship grow stronger, creating a heartwarming spectacle.
But the journey continues... Sammy presents a thought-provoking question: How did they achieve such success? Explore this question with your child as they ponder the secrets of building strong relationships – a beautiful dance where everyone's unique strengths contribute to the rhythm of friendship.
More Than Just a Story:
This charming tale encourages children to appreciate the value of collaboration, inclusivity, and active listening. By showcasing the importance of these skills in building and maintaining strong relationships, your child will learn valuable lessons that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Don't miss out on this delightful story filled with vibrant illustrations and a heartwarming message! Perfect for young readers aged [target age group], this charming tale is the perfect companion!

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