Kiera Cass

The Selection Series 5-Book Collection

The Selection, The Elite, The One, The Heir, The Crown. Empfohlen ab 13 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 1664 Seiten
ISBN 0063058839
EAN 9780063058835
Veröffentlicht Juni 2020
Verlag/Hersteller HarperTeen
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
46,28 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

All five novels in Kiera Cass's #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series—now available in one binge-ready set!
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The chance to live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon. But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her, and leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself—and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.
In The Heir and The Crown, Princess Eadlyn becomes the first ever princess to hold a Selection of her own—but she doesn't believe that any of her thirty-five suitors will capture her heart...
This set includes all five books in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, which has sold millions of copies and captured the hearts of readers around the world.
Plus don't miss The Betrothed, a glittering royal romance sure to captivate Kiera Cass's legion of loyal readers and lovers of courtly intrigue alike!


Kiera Cass is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Selection series and The Siren. She is a wife and mom and too many other things to list. If she could make a crown out of anything, it would be the unending tears of her readers. You can learn more about Kiera and her books at

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