Kimberly Phinney

Of Wings and Dirt

A Collection of Poems. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 174 Seiten
EAN 9798385211173
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Resource Publications

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Of Wings and Dirt is one woman's story in poetry, which chronicles her journey through mental and physical illness, infertility and miraculous motherhood, and the wonder and faith that sustained her through it all. In Of Wings and Dirt, Kimberly Phinney intimately and unflinchingly reveals the story of her near death experiences and survival with the hopes of comforting her readers and pointing them toward the divine--be it in ordinary moments, the natural world, or the nearness of a loving God. We are all made of wings and dirt, and the lines within are a reminder of this holy truth.


Kimberly Phinney is a professor of English, editor, counselor, and writer. She's been published in Ekstasis, Fathom, Humana Obscura, Truly Co, The Dewdrop, and more. A doctoral candidate in community care and counseling, she holds an MEd in English and studied at Goddard's MFA program in creative writing. She was featured on Good Morning America for a national educator award and teaching her students through critical illness in 2023. Visit her literary community at

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