Kristi Patrice Carter

10 Courage Boosters that Help You Crush Your Goals

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386206091
EAN 9781386206095
Veröffentlicht Juni 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Kristi Patrice Carter
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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What's a goal if you don't believe you have what it takes to achieve that goal?
10 Courage Booster that Help You Crush Your Goals is your guide to gaining the confidence you lack in straightforward and efficient ways. Success and confidence go hand-in-hand. Don't give into the idea that your dreams will never match your reality. Take the first steps to gaining that much-needed ego boost, or kick in the pants, to get what you want, when you want it. Dig your confidence levels from under the mounds of perceived failures, losses, setbacks, and fear it's hiding under. Give your goals a chance to breathe new life into you and all that you want to accomplish.
What are you waiting for? Let's CRUSH your goals today! Download your copy now!


Kristi Patrice Carter is a wife, mother, author, and serial entrepreneur who loves helping individuals live happy, prosperous and victorious lives. Carter's lifelong goal is to positively impact people's lives, one self-help book at a time.
A force to be reckoned with, Carter earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Illinois and a Juris Doctorate from Chicago-Kent College of Law and has over seventeen years of experience in the writing industry. She is the author of: Learning to Love Yourself More: A Woman's Guide to Experiencing the Power of Unconditional Self-Love Reprogram Yourself for UNSTOPPABLE Self-Confidence (Your Power Guide to Squashing Self Doubt and Worry) How to Conquer Your Fears and Live an UNSTOPPABLE LIFE of Victory Emergency Income Streams: How to Create Fast Cash in 14 Days or Less Active Income Streams: Side Income Opportunities for Achieving Financial Freedom (Working As Much or As Little A You Desire) Passive Income Streams: How to Create and Profit from Passive Income Even If You're Cash-Strapped and a Little Bit Lazy (But Motivated)! Say No to Guilt! The 21 Day Plan for Accepting Your Chronic Illness and Finding Inner Peace and Happiness Say Yes to Success Despite Your Chronic Illness: 10 Weeks to Overcoming the Obstacles of Chronic Illness and Finally Achieving What You Want in Life! Wean That Kid: Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Mastering the Weaning Process I'm a Weaned Kid Now
Her upcoming publication includes: Superwoman Doesn't Live Here Anymore: How to Get Your Family Off the Couch and Helping Around the House You are NOT a FAILURE: How to Change Your Mindset from Struggle to Victory

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