L. J. Breedlove

Battle Lines (Wolf Harbor, #9)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223745198
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller L.J. Breedlove
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Fourteen of the most powerful shifters in the world will meet in Seattle. They will bring their staff, their agendas, and their vendettas. Most of all, they will determine the future of shifters, and the survival of the species may depend upon what they decide.
There are two factions: the traditionalists, pack Alphas who want to keep to the old ways — small reclusive packs dominated by the will of the Alpha; and the modern packs — large, urban and allowing personal freedom. Some, at least. As Benny Garrison says, they might be more modern than the traditionalists like, but they are by no means progressive.
And then there is Abby Stafford, Chairman of the Northwest Council of Alphas. A human changed to shifter, who called a pack — the first female Alpha in centuries. A wild card — she's the mate of the Chairman of the World Council Akihiro Tanaka, and a power in her own right.
Her pack, the Hat Island pack, offers a third way. If there is one thing both the modern pack Alphas and traditionalist Alphas agree on, a wild card is dangerous. Too dangerous.
But Abby sees beyond the World Council meeting. The clock is ticking, and shifters won't be able to hide from humans much longer. And if shifters can't learn to work together, this may be the last time the World Council meets.
Book 9 in the Wolf Harbor Series.


L.J. Breedlove writes suspense novels of all kinds, police procedurals, historical mysteries, romantic suspense and political thrillers. And now a paranormal suspense series — Wolf Harbor.
She's been a journalist, a professor, and now a fiction writer. (And a ranch hand, oceanography lab assistant, librarian assistant, cider factory line worker, and a typesetter. Oh, and worked in the laundry of an old folks home, something that inspired her to become an over-educated adult who would never be that desperate for a paycheck again.) She covered politics, among other things, taught media and politics, among other things, and writes political novels. You've been warned.

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