L Michael Hall, Bob G Bodenhamer

The User's Manual for the Brain Volume II

Mastering Systemic NLP. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 480 Seiten
ISBN 1845903838
EAN 9781845903831
Veröffentlicht März 2002
Verlag/Hersteller Crown House Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

Auch erhältlich als:

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This much anticipated volume continues the tradition of Volume I, the Practitioner course manual. The authors now invite you to reach beyond Practitioner to Master level to develop the very spirit of NLP. "... the quintessential self-study course on advanced NLP.” Judith E. Pearson PhD


L. Michael Hall is a Cognitive Psychologist who through research into NLP and Self-Actualization Psychology is now a modeler of human excellence; he has completed 15 modeling projects from Resilience, Women in Leadership, Self-Actualization, Coaching, Self-Actualizing Leaders, Managers, and Companies, Selling, Defusing, Wealth Creation, etc. He has authored 50 NLP books and a series on Meta-Coaching. Michael co-founded the ISNS (International Society of Neuro-Semantics) and the MCF (Meta-Coaching Foundation) and is an internationally renowned trainer.

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