Laiba Shahbaz

Love at Second Sight

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 15 bis 18 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 364 Seiten
ISBN 1738302539
EAN 9781738302536
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller sz.laiba

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I thought the worst that could happen on stage was that I would trip. I thought the worst that could happen was I would start speaking about topics completely unrelated to the book. I thought the worst that could happen was I would stutter and trip over my words to the point where it was hard to understand what I was trying to say. But no. The worst that could happen was the man of my dreams would be sitting in the crowd like Aaliyah mentioned last week. The worst that could happen was he, the man who was the inspiration to my book, would be watching and listening to me recall all of our memories together.
No. It's not him. It can't be.
With Huma and Elias' past, they both learn their feelings for each other, changing the way they view their relationship. However, doubts and regrets start surfacing for Huma as she tries to differentiate between the good and the bad. If what she was doing was betraying her own morals and whether or not this was the right thing to do.
But even as they agree to work together for her book, the attraction slowly starts to spark again. The issue? The book is about him. And Huma's convinced herself he doesn't know...I mean, how could he? She was just a piece of his past after all. Cluelessly, she starts to get closer despite knowing it's wrong, both spiritually and emotionally.
Elias knows, too. He knows he shouldn't get close. This was strictly a business relationship and nothing else...but there's a sense of comfort he finds in her that no one has ever given him. She stayed with him through the toughest of times and now he can't help but see that Huma is struggling. His attachment is only growing stronger and he knows if he turns his back on her, he'll lose her again. And if this wasn't a second chance, what was it?

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