Laila Cole

The Billionaire's Bastard - Book 1

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524233714
EAN 9781524233716
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Supernova Erotica
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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My name is Kate Donnelly and I wasn't supposed to waiting tables with a jerk for a boss. I'd gone to school for 8 years and earned my PsyD and the $185,000 dollars in student loans to go with it. I was supposed to be helping people and I just wished someone would help me. I was drowning in a sea of bad luck in a bad economy and just when I thought I couldn't swim anymore Billionaire Wallace Weston threw me a lifeline.
Wallace reeled me into his darkness and anger and promised to help me but what I really wanted was his son…and I'd do anything to have him. Even thinking about Reid's blue eyes, black hair, hard muscles and tattoos made my body shiver. And I knew by the looks of him that he could do things to my beautiful and bountiful body that no other man could, including his father.
Warning this 18K word dark and suspenseful story is for mature audiences only.


Hello everyone!
I am an author who loves strong, dominant men, and if they happen to be rich or ride in a motorcycle club, well, that's just an added bonus!
My stories are filled with suspense, intense situations, twists, and turns.
One year ago I left the suck of the finance industry to pursue my dream and my passion, which is turning my fantasies and dreams into novels. There are more stories bouncing around my head than I could tell in a lifetime, though I'm certainly going to try to tell them all!
As an added bonus. All of my stories exist in the same don't be surprised to see a cameo here and there. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list for updates on new releases.
Laila Cole
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