Lalit Mehra

Software Design Patterns for Java Developers: Expert-led Approaches to Build Re-usable Software and Enterprise Applications (English Edition)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9789391392482
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller BPB Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Practice Design Patterns to Enrich and Streamline Software Development
● Classify design patterns into three broad categories.
● Deep dive into design patterns with individual chapters covering them in detail.
● Understand design patterns to fast track and streamline the development effort.
'Software Design Patterns for Java Developers' discusses the fundamentals of software design as well as well-established design patterns that simplify and outperform the entire software development cycle.
To begin with, the book covers the various types of software design patterns and how they differ from one another. Using numerous examples, you can investigate the implementation of various design patterns such as singleton, object pool, adapter, abstract factory, and proxy. Other design patterns include simplifying complex systems, changing the algorithm behavior in runtime, securing broadcasting messages, and many more. Additionally, a chapter is dedicated to understanding some of the most effective design principles and anti-patterns available today.
Throughout the book, you will implement the design patterns and understand their purpose, benefits, potential drawbacks, and challenges for each of these design patterns.
● Provide design solutions that are clean and transparent.
● Design low maintenance and low cost systems.
● Design reusable and scalable solutions.
● Design solutions that are easy to understand and readable.
● Utilize time-tested and continually refined design best practises.
● Avoid pitfalls during the course of designing a system.
This book is for software developers, experienced programmers, software architects with basic understanding of software development and are comfortable working with medium to large-scale systems. Best to have hands on experience with Java programming in order to read this book.
Lalit Mehra is a software engineer with a wide range of interests, covering topics such as microservices, distributed systems, scalability and asynchronous architecture. He has worked in multiple domains, including payments, banking & finance and CRM. He earned his master's degree in computer science from Indraprastha University, Delhi, and has more than 10 years of experience working with some of the most prestigious organizations.

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