How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors - Lawrence L. Steinmetz, William T. Brooks

Lawrence L. Steinmetz, William T. Brooks

How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors

Winning Every Sale at Full Price, Rate, or Fee. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 047178432X
EAN 9780471784326
Veröffentlicht November 2005
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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Praise for How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitor
"This is the complete book for both new and experienced salespeople
and business owners to learn and re-learn the essentials for
success. How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors
emphasizes the pricing strategies and tactics to increase the
market share and profits of any organization. This is a book that
is as important to presidents as it is to salespeople."
--Bill Scales, CEO, Scales Industrial Technologies, Inc.
"As the largest service provider in our industry, we have a
significant market advantage. However, we constantly walk the
pricing tightrope because, as this book so clearly states,
'business is a game of margins . . . not a game of volume!'"
--John K. Harris, CEO, JK Harris & Company, LLC
"If you live and die on price, this book could be your only
--Tom Reilly, CSP, author of Value-Added Selling and Crush Price
"How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors successfully
illustrates profitable sales truths to assist us in selling for
maximum return. This book's well-researched, logical, and affirming
words validate the simple fact that as a premium company we deserve
premium margins. So, while our competitors reduce or match prices
out of fear and scarcity, our managers, thanks to this powerful
sales tool, can continue quoting and closing with profitable
--Joe Bracket, President, Power Equipment Company
"I learned a long time ago that it is pretty difficult to control
what my competitors will do, but we must control what we do--like
maintaining margins. This book is a 'wow!' that will help my
salesmen crack bad habits. Sales organizations should design their
entire training programs around the content in this book."
--George C. Giessing, President, Brusco-Rich, Inc.
"This energizing book is the 'right stuff' for every sales force.
It should be a required study for every executive and sales
professional who seeks to be successful."
--David R. Little, Chairman and CEO, DXP Enterprises, Inc.


LAWRENCE L. STEINMETZ, PHD, is President of High Yield Management, Inc., and the author of twelve books. An expert on high-priced selling, he has consulted with many Fortune 500 companies and trained more than 200,000 salespeople in public and private seminars and keynote addresses.
WILLIAM T. BROOKS is a leading authority on sales and sales management. A Certified Management Consultant, he has delivered thousands of presentations, training sessions, and keynote addresses. He is also the author of The New Science of Selling and Persuasion, also from Wiley.


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