Lazlo Ferran

The Ice Boat

Volume 2. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 156 Seiten
ISBN 131151189X
EAN 9781311511898
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Lazlo Ferran
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,94 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The Abba-like cleanness of Stockholm was getting to him. He wanted to piss against a wall. With plenty of drugs, sex and rock and roll; The Ice Boat is a modern pop-culture odyssey. David Dee has almost got it; with a solicitor girlfriend, a job, a flat and a band in London, he almost has the happiness he has worked for all his life. His reluctance to compromise takes him away from London to disaster in Rio de Janeiro and on to surreal adventure and self-discovery in Amsterdam. Includes Chapter One of both the occult thriller Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate AND Too Bright the Sun. Buy Volume I and II together in one book, The Ice Boat - Boxed Set, to make a great saving!


Lazlo Ferran: Exploring the Landscapes of Truth.
Educated near Oxford, during English author Lazlo Ferran's extraordinary life, he has been an aeronautical engineering student, dispatch rider, graphic designer, full-time busker, guitarist and singer, recording two albums. Having grown up in rural Buckinghamshire Lazlo says:
"The beautiful Chiltern Hills offered the ideal playground for a child's mind, in contrast to the ultra-strict education system of Bucks."
Brought up as a Buddhist, he has travelled widely, surviving a student uprising in Athens and living for a while in Cairo, just after Sadat's assassination. Later, he spent some time in Central Asia and was only a few blocks away from gunfire during an attempt to storm the government buildings of Bishkek in 2006. He has a keen interest in theologies and philosophies of the Far East, Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe.
After a long and successful career within the science industry, Lazlo Ferran left to concentrate on writing, to continue exploring the landscapes of truth.

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