Leadership and Systems Improvement for the DNP

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. ePub. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 082618863X
EAN 9780826188632
Veröffentlicht August 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Springer Publishing Company

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Develop the necessary skills to serve as a leader in systems improvement
This unique, practical text will help DNP students develop the leadership skills needed to effectively implement and sustain meaningful change in the healthcare system. Presenting improvement methods within the framework of leadership, the book helps students to understand the practical applications of their education. Beyond orienting students to the work of the DNP, the text helps them to understand the scope of practice and how it is related to larger issues and challenges within healthcare.
A significant portion of the text is devoted to leadership, particularly from a systems perspective. Using cases and examples, it addresses different ways DNPs can lead in healthcare and elaborates on the types of improvement processes that are initiated by DNPs: translation of EBP and research into practice, process improvement, and program evaluation. The book discusses how improvement is measured and offers several chapters on the DNP project, including its financial implications. PowerPoint slides accompany the text along with an Instructor's Guide, which provides tips on how instructors can help students assimilate the large body of knowledge required in the DNP program.
Key Features:Frames content within the context of leadershipPrepares DNPs to serve as leaders of innovation in healthcareOffers an innovative approach to understanding the DNP leader and the DNP projectDelivers up-to-date information about improvement work in healthcare systems specific to the needs of DNP students and graduatesIncludes practical cases and examplesDistills resources that faculty and students will return to again and again

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