Lee Winter

Hotel Queens

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 319 Seiten
ISBN 3963244593
EAN 9783963244599
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Ylva Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Over one long night at a bar in Las Vegas, two powerful hotel executives meet, flirt, and challenge each other-having no clue they're rivals after the same dream deal. Brilliant ice queen Amelia Duxton is a hotel vice president who thrives on control, truth, and efficiency. She's in no mood for love or the mess it brings. All she wants is to buy the coveted Mayfair Palace-a massive deal that could finally help her land the CEO job in her family's hotel empire. Fiery Kai Fisher is charming and chaotic and renowned for closing ambitious deals. Her sights are set on snatching the Mayfair Palace out from under the nose of her hated arch rivals, the Duxton family. But when secrets emerge and everything starts to fall apart, how can either of the warring women win-especially when they've just met their match?


Lee Winter is an award-winning veteran newspaper journalist who has lived in almost every Australian state, covering courts, crime, news, features and humour writing. Now a full-time author and part-time editor, Lee is also a 2015 Lambda Literary Award finalist and Golden Crown Literary Award winner. She lives in Western Australia with her long-time girlfriend, where she spends much time ruminating on her garden, US politics, and shiny, new gadgets.

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