Principles of Mathematics in Operations Research - Levent Kandiller

Levent Kandiller

Principles of Mathematics in Operations Research

Auflage 2007. XII, 298 p. 70 illus. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 10.
pdf eBook , 298 Seiten
ISBN 0387377352
EAN 9780387377353
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2006
Verlag/Hersteller Springer

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This book is a comprehensive survey of the mathematical concepts and principles of industrial mathematics. Its purpose is to provide students and professionals with an understanding of the fundamental mathematical principles used in Industrial Mathematics/OR in modeling problems and application solutions. All the concepts presented in each chapter have undergone the learning scrutiny of the author and his students. The illustrative material throughout the book was refined for student comprehension as the manuscript developed through its iterations, and the chapter exercises are refined from the previous year's exercises.

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