Liam Long

The Prepper's Survival Bible

The Ultimate Guide to Survive After the Society Collapse. Stockpiling, Home-Defense, Canning and Other Life-Saving Strategies to Survive to the Worst-Case Scenario. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 196 Seiten
EAN 9798890087751
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller PublishDrive
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Are you concerned that you are not sufficiently prepared for a disaster? Do you wish to protect yourself and your family from natural or man-made disasters?
Earthquakes, tidal waves or nuclear catastrophes triggered by wars between nations are eventualities that those who care about their families and their safety cannot ignore.
Whether it's a nuclear disaster, global warming, a violent hurricane or an unlikely zombie apocalypse, YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO FACE, ensuring the safety of you and your loved ones.
The solution may seem simple: dig a bunker and be prepared to be locked in there for as long as it takes.
But how will you manage your food supply when supermarkets are gone?
How will you ensure a renewable water supply for the bunker's inhabitants?
How will you know if the medicines you brought with you will be enough to solve any health problem that arises?
The exact answers to these and many other questions are contained in "The Prepper's Survival Bible".
Thanks to this guide you will be able to cope with even the worst situations by learning how to:
. Prepare for a sudden emergency situation by packing the bare essentials to survive in your pack;
. Manage your shelter's water supply as best you can, learning how to distill it and taking all precautions to obtain clean water;
. Properly store your food sources, protecting them from the action of bacteria and mold, learning how to get new ones based on the type of nature surrounding your bunker;
. Defending your home from those who would want to breach it to steal the safe place you have created with hard work and dedication and the food and water supplies you have accumulated;
. Prepare yourself to deal with any health issues related to possible disasters that will happen with the right medications;
. Cooking with the "Canning" method, which will allow you to provide sustenance for you and your family even when your pre-cooked food supplies run low;
With this 6-book-in-1 guide, there will no longer be any aspect of post-disaster survival that escapes you, making you ready to defend those you truly love from any eventuality.
NO LONGER WILL YOU FEAR ANY SCENARIO, you'll know how to move to retrieve food and water, defend your property from attackers, and ensure the safety of your family.
DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER, disaster is closer with each passing moment.
Scroll up,  and start preparing as best you can!

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