Lidiya Foxglove

The Beggar Princess (Fairy Tale Heat, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393907571
EAN 9781393907572
Veröffentlicht August 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Lidiya Foxglove
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"You will marry the very next man who walks in that door."
As the only princess of a prosperous kingdom, I have wanted for nothing-and refused all suitors. What real man is worthy of my interest, when I secretly pen tales of handsome lords and beautiful brooding counts? But now my father has gathered up every eligible royal bachelor in all the realm. And it's just as I suspected, not one to capture my fancy-especially King Brennus of the Wood Elves, who looks like a bandit and has the accent of a man born in a barn. I'd rather be on my own forever. I refuse them all. The last thing I expected was for my mild-mannered father to insist, in a fit of anger, that I marry the next man who walks in the door, even if he's a peasant…and what do you know?
"No, lass. I won't let you starve. But you won't exactly be free either. And just remember, any time you like, you can stop me. All you have to do is work or beg."
My new husband looks like a laborer and lives in a little cabin in the forest, but something tells me he's not what he seems. He says he means to teach me humility in the form of honest work, making stew and scrubbing floors. But somehow or other, he knows all my secrets, all the deepest desires of my heart, and there is no one in the forest to hear me beg him for mercy...except the wolvenfolk who howl in the forest at night. They haven't made any trouble in fifty years, but when the wolves are at the door, I don't know if a peasant can save me…
The Beggar Princess is a retelling of the Brothers Grimm's King Thrushbeard, a standalone fairy tale romance for those who like unabashedly adorable happily ever afters with a side of serious steaminess!

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