Linzi Basset

Marauding Daddies (Club Rouge: Louisiana Daddies Series, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223467755
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Linzi Basset
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A Dark, Billionaire Suspense Romance
Marauding Daddies is the story of Kevin and Keith Frazer.
Kevin and Keith Frazer
Ever since Keith was adopted, the two brothers have been inseparable. They fitted together like two pieces of a puzzle-in work, life, and love. With everyone around them finding their happy ever after, it was time for them to follow suit. Hence, the search for their own Babygirl began-with an auction at Club Rogue. The fiery little redhead ticked all the boxes. The fact that she turned out to be their interfering new neighbor was an added and very convenient surprise.
Aria Harper
A new life started for Aria after inheriting Splendor Orchard Farm from her 'uncle'-well, that was the cover story for her arrival in Louisiana. Finding out that the targets she was after were her neighbors was an added bonus, except the two younger brothers were so much more than she came prepared for, especially when they demanded she call them BOTH her Daddy.
The Frazer brothers were fearless. They had been chasing criminals and mafia leaders for years. One thing they weren't prepared for was a petite redhead out for revenge for the death of her father. Would they find out her true nature in time… or would who she was destroy the bond the two brothers had forever?
On this journey, the age-old question arose-would true love conquer all?
Only time will tell.
Note: This is the finale in the Louisiana Daddies series. Although the book can be read as a standalone, the series should be read in order for best reader experience since there is a backstory throughout.
Covert Daddy - Prequel
Black Ops Daddy - Book 1
Radical Daddy - Book 2
Demanding Daddy - Book 3
Marauding Daddies - Book 4


"Isn't it a universal truth that it's our singular experiences and passion, for whatever thing or things, which molds us all into the individuals we become? Whether it's hidden in the depths of our soul or exposed for all to see?"
Linzi Basset is a South African born animal rights supporter with a poet's heart, and she is also a bestselling fiction writer of suspense filled romance erotica books; who as the latter, refuses to be bound to any one sub-genre. She prefers instead to stretch herself as a storyteller which has resulted in her researching and writing historical and even paranormal themed works. Her initial offering: Club Alpha Cove, a BDSM club suspense series released back in 2015, reached Amazon's Bestseller list, and she has been on those lists ever since. Labelling her as prolific is a gross understatement as just a few short years later she has now been published forty-one times; a total which fails to take into account the three other published works of her alter ego: Isabel James who co-authors—nor does it include the five additional new works marked for imminent release.
"I write from the inside out. My stories are both inside me and a part of me so it can be either pleasurable to release them or painful to carve them out. I live every moment of every story I write. So, if you're looking for spicy and suspenseful, I'm your girl... woman... writer... you know what I mean!"
Linzi believes that by telling stories in her own voice, she can better share with her readers the essence of her being: her passionate nature; her motivations; and her wildest fantasies. She feels every touch as she writes, every kiss, every harsh word uttered, and this to her is the key to a never-ending love of writing.
Ultimately, all books by Linzi Basset are about passion. To her, passion is the driving force of all emotion; whether it be lust, desire, hate, trust, or love. This is the underlying message contained in her books.
Her advice: "Believe in the passions driving your desires; live them; enjoy them; and allow them to bring you happiness."
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