Lisa Dickenson

You Had Me at Merlot

A vintage romantic comedy, the perfect summer read. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0751561924
EAN 9780751561920
Veröffentlicht Mai 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Sphere
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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'Sprinkled with humour and warmth' Cathy Bramley
'Hilariously funny . . . an utterly fabulous book' Heat
'Feisty, fun and fierce!' Ali McNamara
Lisa's new book - My Sisters And Me - is available to pre-order NOW
Elle and Laurie are the last ones standing: they're single, they're not having babies any time soon and their weekends aren't filled with joyful meetings about mortgages. For Elle, this is fine. She likes her independent life, but Laurie wants love and she wants it now.
So when Laurie begs Elle to come with her on a singles holiday to a beautiful vineyard in Tuscany, Elle is reluctant. She has no intention of swapping her perfectly lovely life for someone else's idea of her Mr Perfect, but ten days under the Italian sun with her best friend and lashings of wine?
How bad could that be?
You Had Me At Merlot is full of sultry summer nights, laugh-out-loud moments, and the odd glass of wine.
Praise for Lisa Dickenson
'Deliciously warm, effortlessly modern and totally irresistible . . . we lapped up every single word of this romantic comedy gem.' Heat
'Cries out for the Richard Curtis film treatment' Sun
'Sassy as Beyonce and warm as toast' Miranda Dickinson
'Crying out to be read in one big, hilarious gulp!' Fabulous
'A lovely, light romantic yarn.' Marie Claire
'Feisty, fun and fierce! Beyonce would be proud!' Ali McNamara
'Fresh and hilarious . . . I can't remember the last time a book made me laugh like this . . . You will laugh, you will cry, you will go awwww and then you'll laugh all over again' Holly Martin
'A fun, flirty read full of . . . sparkle and romance' Jo Thomas
'The epitome of feel-good summer chick lit . . . Perfect poolside reading' The Lady


Lisa Dickenson

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