Lisa Shea

Memory Brain Training - Book 1: Amusement Parks

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 13 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1516310500
EAN 9781516310500
Veröffentlicht September 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Lisa Shea
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Human brains are flexible and ever growing. Studies show that the more one uses their brain, the stronger that brain gets. Research with nuns finds that nuns who have Alzheimer's do far better than expected because their daily activities keep their brains sharp and engaged. It can come down to the "use it or lose it" maxim - if you want your brain to stay alert, you want to put it through gentle exercises every day.
That's where this Memory Brain Training book comes in.
Within this book you'll find ten images, all on the theme of amusement parks. For each image you will stare at it, focus on it, and memorize as many features of the image as you can. Then, when you turn the page, you'll be asked a series of questions about that image. How many cars were on the roller coaster? What were the colors on the striped tent? Through this process you'll be training your brain to concentrate, focus, and build its recall.
What's great is that the book provides long term training. Come back to it in a week. Do you remember any of the questions? Which ones? Are you able to answer more questions correctly?
The more you train your brain, the better you get at focus, concentration, and memory recall. Take that step every day to improve your life!
* * *
Book 1: Amusement Parks is the first book in this brain training series. These books are suitable for all ages from eight to a hundred and eight.
A portion of all proceeds benefits battered women's shelters.

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