Liz Ditty

God's Many Voices

Learning to Listen. Expectant to Hear. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1683971949
EAN 9781683971948
Veröffentlicht August 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Worthy Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
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"Many people claim to hear God's voice,' though not always with discernment. I've found Liz Ditty to be a trustworthy guide in learning how to listen, and how to do so with wise discernment." -- Philip Yancey, Best-selling author
"Liz Ditty writes with warmth, humor, and grace about the spiritual practices that too often feel overwhelming. She approaches the spiritual life with simplicity and generosity and tells a story of learning to listen to the voice of God that inspires me to do the same. God's Many; Voices is a book for anyone who believes God is still speaking, and anyone who needs a friend to walk them directly toward that Holy Voice." -- Micha Boyett, Author of Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, and Everyday Prayer
Do you wish to hear God speak to you in your everyday life? God's Many Voices will help you discover a God who is infinitely closer and more involved in our world than we give Him credit for.;
This book is an invitation to learn God's voice from the scriptures and then recognize it everywhere in daily life. Author Liz Ditty uses biblical teaching and relatable examples, reinforced with reflective exercises at the end of each chapter to open readers' ears and hearts to what God is telling them.;;
Only His voice in our lives can give us confidence in our decisions and dreams, give us freedom from our fears and failures, and lead us toward the joy of being fully alive, accepted, and loved by God.


Liz Ditty is a graduate of Emmaus Bible College and trained through Sustainable Faith as a Spiritual Director. She is a speaker, writer, podcaster, and volunteer jail chaplain. Liz was raised in a fundamentalist cult where her father served as one of the elders and church planters. Even as a young girl she felt gifted and called to teach, but she was taught that women were to honor God through their submission and silence.
At the age of twenty-three she left the church and her family. Over a decade of freedom later, Liz's first goal in ministry is to encourage others who have heard the wrong story about God to take their questions and hurts straight to him. She teaches regularly at the multiple campuses of WestGate Church. Serving in the heart of Silicon Valley, Liz is comfortable with skeptics and has always loved great questions. Liz lives with her husband Mike and two children, Olivia and Flint, in San Jose, CA.

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