Ljk Oliva

Ptolemy's Tablet (Shadownotes, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386673013
EAN 9781386673019
Veröffentlicht März 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Laura Oliva
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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An arcane minister. A modern knight. A world of secrets and shadows.
Rev. Emil Stone is a curator of knowledge. Misha "Puzzle" Kaslov is a knight. For centuries, their organizations have worked together toward a common mandate: to preserve the line between magical and mundane, and keep the scales balanced in a world most humans will never understand.
Their latest assignment takes them to the shores of the Mediterranean, where they must secure an artifact of mystical make and unknown power. Subversive affairs are rarely simple, and this one is no exception. Emil and Puzzle quickly find themselves pitted against mercenaries, secret police… and each other.
The strains of their task and the murky nature of their partnership push both men to their limits. Will they be able to complete their mission, or will personal demons finally prove too much to overcome?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a companion novella to A World Apart (Shades Below, #1), but can also be read as a standalone.


L.J.K. OLIVA writes gritty urban fantasy in the Shades Below ShadowVerse. She spent much of her childhood exploring the creeks and storm drain tunnels near her house, and remains fascinated by the places no one notices. After all, that's where magic lives.
When not poking the thing that lives in her closet, L.J.K. enjoys exploring the shadows of the San Francisco Bay Area and searching for faeries in every creek within driving distance. She hasn't found any yet, but thinks that's because they're better at hiding than she is at looking.
She's still waiting for one to slip up.

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