Lori Handeland

Loving A Legend

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0986392197
EAN 9780986392191
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Lori Handeland
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Scheherazade had nothing on her . . .
Maggie O'Schea is fascinated by the American West. Relegated to writing obituaries for the New York Journal, she dreams of telling 1001 tales of gunslingers, outlaws and adventure.
When the orphanage where she grew up is threatened with closure, Maggie knows she must try to save it. A clipping about the famous gunslinger, Ethan King, who has holed up in the Arizona ghost town of Gila City, gives her an idea. She will tell his story and save her childhood home.
Unfortunately, Ethan has no love for the press. They ruined his father's life with their lies. Ethan is in Gila City bent on revenge and he won't let some foolish reporter stand in his way.
After Maggie refuses to leave, he locks her up and demands she tell him a story each night so that he can sleep. Alone together in a town of ghosts, the two learn about life, about death and eventually, about love.
But when the man Ethan has been waiting for arrives, everything they've dreamed of may disappear. Can Ethan's prowess with a gun and Maggie's talent with a story save their newfound dreams?


Lori Handeland is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author with more than 60 published works of fiction to her credit. Her novels, novellas, and short stories span genres from paranormal and urban fantasy to historical romance. After a quarter-century of success and accolades, she began a new chapter in her career. Marking her women's fiction debut, Just Once (Severn House, January 2019) is a richly layered novel about two women who love the same man, how their lives intertwine, and their journeys of loss, grief, sacrifice, and forgiveness.
While student teaching, Lori started reading a life-changing book, How to Write a Romance and Get It Published. Within its pages. the author, Kathryn Falk, mentioned Romance Writers of America. There was a local chapter; Lori joined it, dived into learning all about the craft and business, and got busy writing a romance novel. With only five pages completed, she entered a contest where the prize was having an editor at Harlequin read her first chapter. She won.
Lori sold her first novel, a western historical romance, in 1993. In the years since then, she has written eleven novels in the popular Nightcreature series, five installments in the Phoenix Chronicles, six works of spicy contemporary romance about the Luchettis, a duet of Shakespeare Undead novels, and many more books. Her fiction has won critical acclaim and coveted awards, including two RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America for Best Paranormal Romance (Blue Moon) and Best Long Contemporary Category Romance (The Mommy Quest), a Romantic Times Award for Best Harlequin Superromance (A Soldier's Quest), and a National Reader's Choice Award for Best Paranormal (Hunter's Moon).
Lori Handeland lives in Southern Wisconsin with her husband. In between writing and reading, she enjoys long walks with their rescue mutt, Arnold, and occasional visits from her two grown sons and her perfectly adorable grandson.

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