Lucus Anthony Ren

Naked Letter

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1365979962
EAN 9781365979965
Veröffentlicht Mai 2017
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Conventional; last person in the world to commit crime; not very self-aware, and very compassionate; believes he is a very good example of what the best is. The analyst remarked, two weeks before a man is to leave on a three week vacation. Before the holiday his analyst released notes of their consultation to his ex-business partners saying to his patient, 'Done with the best intentions for your partners.' Awaiting trial for embezzlement in a foreign country he can't recall which, letters arrive filling his mind of the forgotten past. Or was it someone else's?
Think now. While you can. It will start soon. You'll be distracted. Letters written to a man in prison in another country. Slowly they begin unraveling his past he can't recall clearly. Why was he here, and where exactly is that? Who is writing them? And could he have done what the spoke of?
Another short tale from Lucus Anthony Ren of black humor thriller, love, and really, stupid people, where reading between the lines might not be well advised.

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