Lucy Appadoo

A New Life - Second Edition (The Italian Family Series)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1519975619
EAN 9781519975614
Veröffentlicht Juni 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Lucy Appadoo
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Valeria Allegro was hoping to embark on a life of freedom when she left Italy to travel to Australia for an arranged marriage with Roberto Morandi. The last thing she expected to encounter was harassment by Roberto's friend and neighbour, Luca Abandonato.
Valeria begins to wonder if marrying a virtual stranger at eighteen was a wise decision, especially when her new husband and his family demonstrate greater loyalty to Luca.
Alone in a foreign country and struggling to feel settled and secure, it appears that Valeria must face a dangerous enemy alone unless love can be her salvation.


Lucy Appadoo is a prolific reader and author of the Friends In Crisis Series. After a childhood spent reading and imagining escapist worlds, Lucy has put her imagination into stories. Her work as a rehabilitation counsellor, and former work as a counsellor in private practice, have led to an interest in writing inspirational stories about authentic, driven women who manage adversity with strength and heart. She writes in the genres of romantic suspense/thrillers with significant life themes and contemporary romance. Lucy's interests include researching crime stories and news to inspire her work, watching crime thrillers and suspenseful movies, travel, exercising, reading for entertainment or knowledge, meditation, and spending time with friends and family. She also appreciates her Italian background and culture, which has inspired her to write imaginative stories about her parents' childhoods, leading to The Italian Family Series novels. Check out Lucy's website and sign up for a FREE romantic suspense novel here:

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