Lynn Kurland

Princess of the Sword

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 110101461X
EAN 9781101014615
Veröffentlicht Januar 2009
Verlag/Hersteller Berkley
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The Nine Kingdoms Trilogy now explodes in the fiercest battle yet as the fate of a kingdom lies with a man and woman bound by love, magic, and a legendary—and perilous—sword.
When darkness falls...
As the mercenary daughter of Gair, the black mage of Ceangail, Morgan is the only one who can stop the terrible sorcery her father unleashed. To do so, she must race against time and find the spell that will allow her to close the well of evil he opened. But that quest will lead her to places she never dreamed existed and into a darkness she would give anything to avoid.
The magic rises.
With the fate of Neroche intertwined with the closing of Gair's well, the archmage Miach must help Morgan find what she needs, not only because the safety of the Nine Kingdoms hangs in the balance, but because he will do anything to protect her. Now, as they search out the mysteries of Ceangail—and the dangers of Morgan's own bloodline—Morgan and Miach have only each other to trust, heart and soul...


Lynn Kurland is the USA Today bestselling author of Stardust of Yesterday, A Dance Through Time, This Is All I Ask, The Very Thought of You, Another Chance to Dream, The More I See You, and If I Had You. She is also a contributor to The Christmas Cat, Christmas Spirits, Veils of Time, Opposites Attract, and A Knight's Vow anthologies. A full-time writer, she lives in the Pacific Northwest.

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