M. E. Clayton

If You Could Only Believe (The Buchanan Brothers Series, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0463587944
EAN 9780463587942
Veröffentlicht Mai 2019
Verlag/Hersteller M.E. Clayton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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What happens when life throws you an unexpected turn?
The chance to prove yourself.
With the security of power and money, Michael Buchanan has always known that success was in his future, though he wasn't afraid of hard work. Born into a life of endless possibilities and unimaginable riches, he was finally taking his secured place in the family business. With every Buchanan son at the top of their game, Michael is perfectly happy.
Except, he's really not.
Along with all that wealth and privilege, Michael had also been raised by a tyrannical father and a neglectful mother, so growing up, he'd had to learn how to control the most important characteristic of his personality: his temper. If it weren't for the fact that he was the calmest of all the Buchanan sons, one might consider Michael to be a bit of a psychopath.
With nothing but sole determination on her side, Sophia Martella is used to being invisible and she likes it that way. With a genius IQ, she's the best financing clerk at Buchanan Industries, and she's perfectly fine doing all the hard work without any of the accolades. After all, hard work was its own reward, and she's always ready for the next challenge.
Except, she's not ready for what comes next.
Along with all her focus and commitment, Sophia also has self-esteem issues and lacks tact in the most embarrassing way. While her sister and mother are perfect (and they never let her forget it) her chubbiness, plainness, and awkwardness are enough to suspect that she'll probably die a virgin. However, that's a small price to pay for being left alone with her genius IQ.
When temperament and incredulousness collide...
When Michael meets a woman with curves for days and no filter, his soul recognizes hers immediately. It doesn't matter that he's her boss or that she insults him at every turn. Nothing matters, other than making Sophia his forever, regardless of her protests.
When Sophia is dragged to a company party against her will, she's not certain what to expect of being thrust into the presence of Buchanan royalty. Unsure of what's going on, she does her best to keep her mouth shut and fade into the background, but her insane date is making it kind of hard.
As their personalities engage in battle, their connection cannot be denied, no matter how crazy a relationship between them may seem. Their souls are tied together. So, what happens when Michael finally finds the woman of his dreams? Nothing anyone ever saw coming.
NOTE: This book contains adult language, adult situations, explicit sexual encounters, sexual assault, and violence. If sensitive to any of the aforementioned issues, please do not purchase.


M.E. Clayton works fulltime and writes as a hobby only. She is also an avid reader and Pinterest addict. When she's not working, reading, writing, or on Pinterest, she is spending time with her family and friends, or her dog, Boy, or her cat, Seatbelt. She lives in California with her husband and enjoys doing nothing but reading. Seriously. She does nothing but read. However, that's how she likes it.

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