M. E. Purfield

Blunt Force Kharma

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386434310
EAN 9781386434313
Veröffentlicht April 2017
Verlag/Hersteller trash books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A new world full of possibilities…to screw the innocent.
On a colonized planet, Kelly Kharma, a private investigator, struggles to keep her head above water. If water was on the barren planet ripe for corporate development.
With cheaper rates and a disregard for rules, Kharma uses her former police training to help those who can't find it in the system. Relentless and vicious, she always uncovers something larger than herself for her clients.
And maybe she'll redeem her soul damaged from past mistakes.
Buy Blunt Force Kharma now and join the other readers exploring this tense and thrilling urban sci-fi noir collection of stories.
"Have you ever had an author that no matter what they write you just can't wait to devour it? I have had only a handful of authors that do it for me. M.E. is one of those authors." - Fallen Over Books.
"Purfield novels are not for the faint of heart. They are hard, punchy and fast moving. A combination that leaves the reader feeling slightly breathless." - Eternal Night


M.E. Purfield is the autistic author who writes novels and short stories in the genres of crime, sci-fi, dark fantasy, and Young Adult. Sometimes all in the same story. Notably, he works on the Tenebrous Chronicles which encompasses the Miki Radicci Series, The Cities Series, and the Radicci Sisters Series, and also the sci-fi, neuro-diverse Auts series of short stories.

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