M. Glenda Rosen

"Dying to Be Beautiful" Mysteries: Without a Head

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1483445313
EAN 9781483445311
Veröffentlicht Februar 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Lulu Publishing Services
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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"Dying To Be Beautiful," is about the billion-dollar world of beauty. The mystery series takes place in The Hamptons, where the murdered and suspected murderers are often arrogant and obnoxious with a sense of entitlement. Private Investigator Jenna Preston and her long-time friend, Detective Troy Johnson, work together to solve these murders and other crimes.
However, the intriguing series is about much more than murders and mysteries. "Dying To Be Beautiful" explores the beauty-or lack of it-in humanity. It's about insights into human behavior, people's life choices and the impact of their choices on themselves and others.
The first book in the series, "Dying to be Beautiful: Without a Head," begins with an ordinary occurrence transformed into a gruesome scene. "The head in the sink stared up at her. Darcy Monroe, the owner of a popular, chic hair salon was used to this. Only this time, the head was there without a body."

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