M. L Eaton

Norfolk Twilight

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1536520748
EAN 9781536520743
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Touchworks Ltd
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A magical, haunting tale of country ways, loss, adventure and love.
Our ancestors leave an imprint on their surroundings that can be felt by sensitive people - and sometimes has unexpected consequences.


M L Eaton has great fun writing cross-genre. Her Mysterious Marsh series of legal mystery thrillers - set in the 1970s on Romney Marsh in the South of England - include a large helping of history, more than a touch of time-slip, a twist of the supernatural and are garnished with fantasy. Complicated maybe - but to her great delight her books have won a BRAG (Book Readers' Appreciation Group) Medallion for excellence.
Marion also writes the Faraway Lands series of fictionalised memoirs - 'unputdownable, poetic, funny and poignant' novellas set in the 1930s and 1950s. They will transport you to Burma (now Myanar); Mumbai, India; and Sierra Leone in Africa.
'Spinning into Form' is completely different - a book of meditations that aims to explain how subtle energy impacts our lives, minds and bodies. CDs and Mp3 recordings of the meditations are available from Amazon and cdbaby.com respectively.
Marion lives in the beautiful East Sussex countryside in an area of outstanding natural beauty close to the sea and to the 'Mysterious Marsh'. She has the company of a very understanding husband and a very lazy dog. When not writing, walking, talking or cooking, she can be found hidden somewhere in the depths of her large untidy garden.
She finds great pleasure and joy in writing and hopes that those who read her books experience something of this.

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