M. Lee Prescott

Valley Home: Hearts of the West (Morgan's Run Romances, #16)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798988074625
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller M. Lee Prescott
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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In this east -- west love story, smart, sexy sixty-somethings, billionaire, Spark Foster and artist, Helen Winthrop, decide to take their friendship to the next level in a story that sizzles with passion and heat. All is not rosy, however, when Helen and her daughter, Hazel land in Saguaro Valley. Sparks fly for these two, threatening to tear apart a relationship that has been building for years. Will Helen's painful past and the objections of his daughter Amy drive these lovers apart? Join these two beloved characters in book 15 in the Morgan's Run series.


Award winning author, M. Lee Prescott writes in several genres of fiction-Mystery, Historical, Western Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romance Suspense, and books for children and young adults. Among her titles are Prepped to Kill, Gadfly and Lost in Spindle City (Ricky Steele Mysteries), Jigsaw, A Friend of Silence, Widow's Island, and Song of the Spirit. Song of the Spirit was a finalist The 2014 International Digital Awards for Historical Fiction for Young Adults. Lee published two new titles in spring of 2015, Hestor's Way, a contemporary romance and In the Name of Silence, book two in the Roger and Bess Mysteries. Her new western romance series, "Morgan's Run Romances" debuts on August 25, 2015 with Emma's Dream and the second and third Morgan's Run books, Lang's Return and Jeb's Promise will be published in the fall of 2015!
Her "day job" is as professor at a small New England liberal arts college. Her scholarly work centers around social contexts within which children learn and she is the author of three works of nonfiction. Her current research examines the impact of mindfulness on readers and writers, work that brings her tremendous joy and satisfaction.
Lee lives in southeastern Massachusetts on a beautiful river, where she canoes, swims, and watches an incredible variety of wildlife pass by. She is the mother of two sons and spends lots of time with them, their beautiful wives, and her amazing grandchildren. When not teaching or writing (both of which she adores), Lee's passions revolve around family, yoga, swimming, teaching mindfulness to children and adults, and walking.
Lee loves to hear from readers at mleeprescott@gmail.com. Please visit her website to sign up for her newsletter, check out her always-changing Amazon Author Page, or stop in for a chat on Facebook (M.Lee Prescott) or Goodreads.

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